Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sleepless Night & 3am Snow

After hearing the snow falling outside my bedroom window for hours I deiced to go check out the accumulation. Looked to be about 5 inches, maybe more. Being the awesome significant other that I am I cleared off the cars and a path to the vehicles for an easier work commute in the following hours. While I was outside I couldn't stop looking at the trees covered in snow and the moonlight dancing over the limbs while the snow laid so quietly on the streets in Wilmington. This city is so different when you don't see any moving cars for blocks or see anyone walking around. I felt the overwhelming urge to go put on some snow boots and grab my camera, leaving my strobe at home. I was really inspired to capture the city as I saw it, in natural light. I walked a 3 block radius and this is what I saw....