Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Post Wedding Shoot - "Trash The Dress"

I'm so excited to share my latest "Trash The Dress" session with you!!! We had such a great shoot! We visited four locations and one included Sabrina getting into a water fountain! Her makeup was flawless, hair done perfectly, and we added a beautiful bouquet of flowers to top it all off! There will be a video soon, but here is a teaser!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My pictures were printed by Spark this week, (p8-9, p70), here's a full page of an image i shot of the ride "Rainbow" at the Italian festival. Despite what the caption reads it's actually not a ferris wheel.. sad i know, i regret not submitting my own caption for this pic ::sad face::

any how!!! Pick one up, it's better in person!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The St. Anthony's Italian festival ended yesterday after a week long of amazing food, authentic Italian music, lemon water ice, and carnival rides. Here are some slow shutter shots i took..